The technique is so sensitive that it can detect a single radioactive carbon atom hiding among a quadrillion ( one million billion) ordinary ones. 这项技术非常敏感,甚至能够在十的十五次方(一千万亿)个普通碳原子中找到一个放射性碳原子。
A radioactive atom could transmute itself into an entirely different kind of atom. 放射性原子本身能嬗变为性质完全不同的另一种原子。
One study suggested the cause might be radioactive fall-out from atom bombs. 一项研究认为起因可能是核炸弹的辐射尘。
From their work emerged the picture of radioactive decay that is still valid-a violently disruptive explosion of a single atom. 根据他们的工作,展现出至今仍然成立的关于放射性衰变的图象&单个原子的强烈的分裂性爆炸。
For a cancer scan, a radioactive atom is attached to vitamin B-12, which is then injected into the patient. 在扫描癌灶时,医生将放射性元素附着在维他命B-l2上,然后将其注人病人体内。
The author analysed 77 soil of different mother material in 1984& 1986, and study with radioactive labelled atom of~ ( 86) Rb on the movement and fix-ation of potassium in soil. 作者于1984&1986年对不同母质的77个土样进行了一系列理化分析,并采用放射性~(86)Rb示踪原子法研究钾在土壤中移动和固定。